Environmentally friendly gadgets technologies ~ Gadgets | Mobile | Phones | Smartphone

Environmentally friendly gadgets technologies

Some people just get confused whenever terms like green technology or green gadgets is used. Green technology or gadgets in this context refer to environmentally friendly technologies (gadgets) which reduce global warming or contribute to lesser emission of dioxide gases to the atmosphere. Anything which was designed to work along these concepts could be classified as green technology and green gadgets  or whatever terms/phrases people prefer. Humankind have become more aware of the potential dangers of global warming even governments recently  China and United states for the second time this year have scheduled to hold a two day conference from the 16th to 17th November mainly in ways to help tackle the negative effects of global warming.


Inventions like the Kinesis wind and solar charger help to re-charge portable devices like iPods, cellphones, digital camera. It uses both solar and wind power to recharge the devices. Equipped with a standard USB 2.0 port and other popular adapters it can handle most gadgets. Just imagine this some people never paid an electric company bill this is because they have alternative source of electricity which is a wind turbine and photo voltaic solar panels to generate electrical energy. The recent link leads to an illustration of a couple living in some remote area far from electricity poles therefore they had to generate their own source of electricity. It is a good example to learn from and apply whenever faced with similar situations.


Another green invention is the creation of cost effective green houses easily built in a short time and also environmentally friendly, these type houses are called Solargons Structures they are basically simple energy conservative buildings made of structural insulated panels which make good stable structures and also provide high insulation.


These are just some of the technologies which are more towards being environmentally conservative,


Some engineers in Holland have developed ways where hot asphalt concrete is being used as a source to heat water and generate electricity. These asphalt concretes are used on roads where pipes are connected to under ground storage areas. When cars run on the asphalt concrete car wheels  friction heat the concretes in turn heats the pipes. Heat generated can be captured and stored or used later for other purposes. 


An Australian geo-scientist's findings for geothermal power which could be taken from high temperature producing elements such as uranium most are stored beneath the crust of the earth. Read more about the findings here geothermal power.


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