Phones that can make recieve calls anywhere by satelite ~ Gadgets | Mobile | Phones | Smartphone

Phones that can make recieve calls anywhere by satelite

Communication is something we just can not live without nowadays since it is part of everyone’s lives that is why even if you live in a remote area no cell phone coverage or you are traveling to someplace /location no phone coverage can reach you will definitely miss to keep in touch with friend’s relatives and others. Imagine if you are lost or in a situation which definitely needs to contact help what would you do?


What type(s) of phone receives calls from anywhere around the world?


A satellite phone is a solution to this problem, there are two types of satellite phone networks, [i] Geosynchronous service and the [ii] Low Earth Orbit (LEO), the main difference between those two are one (Geosynchronous ) network has satellites which are static and remain at fixed position in the sky every time while the LEO the satellites orbits and changes direction all the time. Advantage of LEO over Geosynchronous is latency/delay or timeouts cannot be noticed or sometimes totally not noticed, this is because the satellites rotate fast and in lower altitude while the other is opposite. Iridium a (LEO) network currently has 66 satellites which claim coverage on most of the earth’s surface.

Satphones are quite accessible and easy to get if you look well enough for around the internet. Handsets for these costs just over $1000 but there are service providers which offer post paid and pre paid phone plans also satellite phone handsets under different packages making the cost of handsets to be very cheap. These Satphones saves on the cost to call average of $0.15 or $2 one minute whereas if you made that same call in normal mobile phones and landlines the charge would be $3 to $14 in one minute.


If I were to list the advantage of satellite phones here is my list:

accessible and convenient (phone anywhere anytime)

cheaper and saves money than landlines and normal mobile phones networks

reliable (you can guarantee that no natural disaster will damage the satellites roaming around the sky)

no network congestion on phone networks.


To grab a satphone handset or find out more look around for Iridium INMARSAT Globalstar and other companies which provide these services. For additional information look for terrestrial phones.


Order these satellite phones from here